Terms and Conditions

MMTBLACK Loyalty Program – Terms and Conditions

The NEW MMTBLACK Loyalty Program:

The New MMTBLACK loyalty program (2024) comprises of two tiers/ levels and replaces the old program which comprised of three tiers. The two tiers are:

Tier Eligibility:

The eligibility for the two tiers is based on the total spends AND the number of trips completed by the user. Details of the eligibility are as under:

Existing Black Members

All existing MMTBLACK members will be upgraded to the new tiers based on the eligibility criteria of the new tiers.

Please note

Tier Validity:

Your tier membership is valid for a period of at least 12 months, from the date of your enrolment in that tier.

Tier Upgrade

For an upgrade from GOLD membership to PLATINUM, the spends and completed trips will be evaluated every time you complete travel for your bookings made through MakeMyTrip. At any given day, if your travel spends and completed trips during your membership cycle fulfils the eligibility criteria of the PLATINUM tier, you will be upgraded to the PLATINUM tier.

Tier Downgrade

After 12 months of your date of enrolment in a tier, your total travel spends, and completed trips will be re-evaluated.


Please note:

Key Benefits:


MMTBLACK GOLD members get:

The above benefits are not applicable on all hotels and some hotels may allow one or more of these benefits.



The above benefits are not applicable on all hotels and all benefits may not be available at every offering hotel.

Monetary Rewards (Cashback)

Cashback given by MakeMyTrip is referred to as “myCash”. The myCash earned during the MMTBLACK Membership will have the below usage conversion and terms:

Terms & Conditions for Holiday Package Gift Cards

Other Terms and Conditions